Five For Friday

This week I'm linking up with Doddle Bugs and Five for Friday!  I'm glad it is Friday!!!

1. I'm in a "crafty" mood...this is going to be my next project!  I saw it on Pinterest and am 99.9% sure I can make it :)

2.  I just finished reading The Fault in Our Stars.  AMAZING!  Have some tissues handy.

3.  I've been researching penguins with an enrichment kindergarten group...TOO.MUCH.FUN!!!
We've been reading and writing about penguins and they are doing amazing. Apparently there is a penguin called the jackass penguin.  One little boy read his fact me, "The jackass penguin can dive to get fish." Who knew?!?

4.  We have trivia night tomorrow night at church and we had to come up with team names.  Our name is:  We are NOT smarter than a 5th grader!

5.  We shared this video at our PLC meeting, and later that afternoon I got a sweet note from an anonymous teacher telling me that she believed in the work we are doing :)  That made my week!!!


  1. I love the wreath. What a fun project! We're doing penguins too and the kids can't get enough! Happy crafty weekend!

  2. That wreath is AMAZING! We just finished our penguin unit and did a lot of research. It was a lot of fun!

    A Rocky Top Teacher


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